Change in population sizes
Visualization and data analysis by Ulf Aslak and Peter Møllgaard.Pick a country - either Kenya or Nigeria to the right →
The figures below show how the number of occupants changed over time across counties. You can play with the figures as follows:
- Change the (rel/abs) button on the top left of the figure to display absolute values or relative changes with respect to February.
- Display values computed in a specific time of the day by changing the time interval (All day/10-18/18-02) in the top left of the figure.
The first figure shows how the population size evolved across municipalities over time. Each black line corresponds to a different municipality. You can move the mouse over a line to display the corresponding municipality name.
The second figure lets you select individual counties from the drop-down menu. The dotted line displays the daily data, the red line shows the average over a window of 7 days and the dashed line displays the value computed in the corresponding weekday during February.
These figures are interactive! You can:
- Change the municipality displayed using the dropdown menu.
- Toggle the time window to display results for.
- Toggle whether the y-axis displays the absolute measurements (rel/abs) or the deviation from the baseline (rel/abs).
- Hover the curves to see precise values.
- Hover the marks on the x-axis to see events.