Nigeria - Where are people?
In this post an investigation of where people are staying in Nigeria can be found.
It is interesting to investigate if people actually stay home during work hours. In the going out visualization an overview can be found. It is interesting that it can be seen how people start to move around more and more, but in the end of May it is still deviating quite a lot, which makes sense as the lockdown is still in place.
Movement during work hours, Nigeria:
The next question is then to investigate if this tendency is affecting the population size in the different counties. In the population relocated plot, it can be seen that this is not really the case as it seems like that share of the population that relocates over time stays more or less the same.
Population relocated, Nigeria:
The same conclusion can be found when looking at the gini index for change in population distribution. It cannot be seen where people are, but it can be seen that the distribution stays more or less the same throughout the entire period, which means that the population does not relocate as much as we for instance probably would see in Denmark, where people go to their summerhouses and so on.
Gini, Nigeria:
I addition to seeing that people tend to begin to move more, we can also see that people actually have stopped moving out of the county.
In conclusion, we can see that people tend to stay in the same areas.